Atlanta is home to…
Great baseball, entertainment and some of the best BBQ on the planet.
And, Switch Rail Safety Systems!
Switch Rail is pleased to announce another addition to the growing family of providers of Switch Rail Safety Rail Systems.
Please contact our headquarters office for all your Switchrail product needs at: 630.509.3335 or by email at: steve@switchrail.com
Have you made the switch?
Switch Rail is pleased to intoduce Jason Vaughn as the new Operations Manager of our corporate branch office in Dallas, Texas!
The Dallas location provides our clients with a full warehouse facility offering JIT delivery of all Switchrail safety solutions.
Have you made the switch?
Call: 972.358.3753
Email: jason@switchrail.com
switchrail opens in nashville
November often marks the beginning of the construction ‘season’ slow down. Not down south in Nashville, Tennessee, where Switchrail is now readily available with same day delivery!
Call: 615.802.6006
Email: Jack Siders
Case Studies
See some common, and some complex, problems easily overcome by using SwitchRail Safetey Rail on your projects.
Whether your having issues with ‘cable and stanchion’ systems or just tired of the labor and material lost using 2x4 railing systems.
No matter your need, SwitchRail has you secured!
switchrail: the Answer to Jobsite Safety
SwitchRail can specify and quote systems at any phase of your project, providing cost savings for all of your safety protection needs.
When you're ready to make the switch and rent our system, SwitchRail is ready to make it happen.
We’ve Simplified Safety
You manage projects, people and a full range of safety requirements that change constantly. You can’t afford to have needless accidents or add extra costs onto tight project budgets. Wouldn’t it be easier if there was a comprehensive, best-in-class answer to site safety that would take the guesswork out of all of your projects at once?
THERE IS: SwitchRail Safety Systems.
project of the month
The 47-story AMLI Fountain Place Tower is the first high rise tower to be errected in Dallas in 30 years.
Switch Rail Safety Systems is integral tot he fall protection strategy for the new 367 unit apartment tower. The project broke ground in 2017 and is expected to be completed in 2019.
Facts from the United states Dept. of Labor
Fatal falls in construction in 2015
of construction deaths are due to falls
1 in 3 Falls are less than 15 feet high
“SwitchRail Safety Systems has changed the fall protection industry.”